
If you don’t love it, return it. Read on for details regarding our 100% satisfaction guarantee, and for instructions on how to make a return.

Return Policy

We are committed to quality products and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days of purchase. Shipping charges will not be refunded.

How to Return Your Product

Choose from two ways to return:

  1. Damaged Returns If your product arrives damaged or defective in some way we offer a hassle-free Photo Return process to speed replacement. Here’s how:
    1. Take a digital photo of your damaged product and the shipping container it arrived in (only if the package is also damaged).
    2. Attach your photos to an email and send them to Please include your order number, shipping ID or item number, a brief description of the reason for the return.
    3. You will receive an email within 24-48 hours confirming that your photo return is being processed.
    4. If your photo return is confirmed, you do not need to mail back your product. We will process the replacement based on your photos.
    5. Please note: If the damage or quality issue is not apparent in the photo, you may be required to return the item at your expense before the return can be processed.
  2. Regular Returns: You may return your product for a full credit of the product cost (excluding shipping charges) by following these simple steps:
    1. email to obtain the return instructions for your order.
    2. Ship your item back to us in its original packaging and enclose your completed return request. We strongly encourage you to return the item via a trackable method. Returns Address: Returns

1582 NW 1st St
Gresham, OR 97030

(469) 363-1919

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